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nice to meet you, I am Ban who studying Higher Diploma in AI and Mobile Applications Development at VTC.

I love to take photos, play video games, edit&make videos and read books. And the most important things are I love creating things by coding. 

About my hobbies and interests, I love to join IT competitions in my daily life. For example, City i&t grand challenge, WYEM Elderly App Design Competition. I like to think about some technology that can help our community. I love to work with people and do teamwork. Also, I love to solve problems because I solve some bugs about the programmes and other problems. I will feel so happy about “yes, I finally did it”. This happiness is incomparable to others.

Career Goal & Plan

I want to be a Mobile Application Developer, Web Developer for mobile devices, Artificial Intelligence Developers and Technical Support Personnel. Because I love coding and want to become an IT professional. Why I want to be a mobile application software developer because I enjoy writing some code and building mobile applications. Also, I want to use some AI technology to build my applications.

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Reflective Lifelong Learner

I'm always want to learn exciting technology and new knowledge. I participated city i&t grand challenge. The content of the certificate of participation is about joining in the grand pitch. This competition activity is about creating an innovative product and explaining it. My major responsibilities are idea brainstorm, UX & UI design, making videos, android application development, communicating with teammates and data search. Also, I learn some business knowledge by comparing competitors in the market. I learn a lot from this competition.

Self-directed Lifelong Learner

Learning is not just only study in school; instead it is worthwhile to gain knowledge by reading books and join in some extracurricular activities. For example, I read the book call "Atomic Habits", it tell me how powerful the habits are and it make me create good habits easily. I create a running exercise habit before with this book. Also, it told me how the bad habits make our life become worse. It makes me change my bad habits.

About the extracurricular activities, recently I joined a "社區實踐夢想計劃". I want to create a board game with my team. This board game is about domestic abuse and I hope this game can make people pay attention on this issue. Moreover, our team and I would like to build a fun game.

So what is our plan? First, I would like to meet some Hong Kong board games creators and ask there question and play their board games. Next, we will think about what type of game we want to create. Then, we will create a demo game. After that, we will try to play and test it, it makes the board games more fun and meaningful. In addition, we will let some player to test our game. Finally, we will publish our board games in the market.



I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.

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