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User Experience Design

What is User Experience Design?

In my opinion user Experience Design makes the design easy to use, the user no need to learn how to use and very simple.

A good case of the User Experience Design

I think Instagram has a good UX design as the design is very simple; there is no need to learn and easy to get used to. For example, the design of the important button has used the image. The image shows that what the button does and easy to understand.

A Bad Case of the User Experience Design

On the other hand, I think Google Play Books play has some good UX design, but it has some of the design is bad such as brightness only can change by the app and can not change by the phone setting. Also, the website version of Google Play Books UX design is bad, the text size of books is too small and it can not be enlarged. It makes it the user hard to read the book.


It has so many pops up advertisement, it makes user can not get the information in a second and it is annoying for users. It means have advertisement is viable, but it can be put it to side.


it is updated too often and the loading screen is too slow, it shows that the update is good but it should be an applicable time. For example, 3 month and half year. Loading screen too slow may need to use more JSON data type for some unimportant data.

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